Exquisite Universal Pie Recipe

Fruit or Vegetable Pie Recipe

Universal Pie Recipe

Universal Pie

Here are two sweet and savoury pie bases that are easy to vary. I call this recipe “universal” because it is delicious every time. It is very quick and easy to make, without any technique. You can use a ready-made puff pastry or shortcrust pastry, or you can make your own easy and quick pie dough (see the recipe below).

1- Sweet pie recipe (8 servings):

  • a 33 cm diameter pie dough (puff pastry or shortcrust pastry),
  • a large egg (60 g),
  • 120 g cottage cheese,
  • 50 g blond cane caster sugar,
  • vanilla flavouring: one packet of vanilla sugar (and remove 10 g of sugar) or 1 g (1/3 teaspoon) of powdered vanilla or 3,75 ml (3/4 teaspoon) of liquid natural vanilla extract (to be adapted according to the taste),
  • 500 to 600 g sliced fruit.

Course of the recipe:

Lay the pie dough in the pan and prick the entire bottom with a fork. Mix the egg, cottage cheese, sugar and vanilla for 1 minute to obtain a smooth and fluid filling.

Two options: either mix the fruit with the filling, or pour the filling on the bottom of the pie and lay the fruit on top without mixing it.

Baking: 30 to 35 minutes at 240° in convection mode, with the pan placed on level 1 at the bottom of the oven. After baking, allow to cool down at least one hour out of the oven.

For an excellent tangy apple pie: cut the apples into thin slices and mix them with 20 g olive oil (25 ml, 11/2 tablespoons), lay the dough in the tin, sprinkle the bottom with absorbent powder (see the dough recipe), pour in the filling, place the oil-covered apples on top of the pie and bake.

2- Savoury pie recipe (8 servings):

  • a 33 cm diameter pie dough (puff pastry or shortcrust pastry),
  • a large egg (60 g),
  • 120 g cottage cheese,
  • salt, pepper and spices as desired,
  • 600 to 700 g vegetables, possibly a few pieces of cheese and meat.

Course of the recipe:

Lay the pie dough in the pan and prick the entire bottom with a fork. Mix the egg, cottage cheese and spices for 1 minute to obtain a smooth and fluid filling.

Precook the vegetables in a saucepan (they should still be crispy and not overcooked) with lots of flavour and good seasoning, as this flavour will be diluted a little in the filling. If necessary, supplement with pieces of cheese, small pieces of meat, such as dumplings or small pieces of sausages. Mix the cooked vegetables still warm with the pie filling and pour over the dough.

Cooking: 30 to 35 minutes at 240° in convection mode, with the pan placed on level 1 at the bottom of the oven. Allow to cool down 10 minutes out of the oven before serving.

3- Easy pie dough recipe for a 28 cm diameter pan:

  • 165 g wheat flour T65
  • 100 g water,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 2 g (2/3 teaspoon) baking powder or 25 g almond powder, hazelnut powder, coconut powder, small seeds (flax, sesame, quinoa…),
  • a pinch of salt (1 g).

Course of the recipe:

In a bowl, mix the flour, salt and baking powder (or other powders). Melt the butter at a lukewarm temperature (to prevent the heat from activating the yeast). Pour the water and melted butter into the bowl. Mix by turning the spatula about 30 times to incorporate everything without overworking the dough. Ideally, wrap the dough in plastic film and allow it to rest for a few hours in the refrigerator.

Lay the dough on a lightly floured work surface or straight onto a 35 cm-sided baking paper and flatten it with a rolling pin to form a circle of 33 cm in diameter. The thickness of the dough should be no more than 2 to 3 mm to stay crispy. Place the dough in the buttered and floured or paper-lined pie tin. Cut out and remove the excess dough that protrudes from the edge of the pan. Pour in one of the two liquid sweet and savoury preparations and bake the pie.

If the filling is likely to be even more liquid (if the fruit is very juicy and may bleed water), it is advisable to either sprinkle the bottom of the pie with potato or corn starch, breadcrumbs, or 20 g of wheat semolina, or to pre-bake the dough a little or bake it blank. Experience will tell you what is most appropriate depending on the filling.

To pre-bake the dough, use weight placed and spread over the bottom of the dough to prevent it from swelling, bake at 160° for 15 to 20 minutes in a fan-assisted oven, then add the filling and finish baking the pie in the oven for about 30 minutes at 240° in convection mode. For baking the pie blank, 20 to 22 minutes at 160° in a fan-assisted oven.

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